Thursday, November 20, 2008

So I decided to put up some pictures, so here are some random pictures of our little family before Olivia arrives:

Here is me and Alex at Graceland 2 summers ago in Memphis, TN. It was really an amazing trip!

Next is our newest family member. Sadie is our 7 month old Teacup Poodle. She is the sweetest little thing! She likes to run up the stairs, but doesn't know how to come down, so we are always having to help her, but i think she's slowly getting the hang of it. She LOVES to play with her Big Brother Brody.........

Which brings me to our original baby. He is going to be 2 in May. He is probably one of the most beautiful dogs i've ever seen! We didn't know what a Shiba Inu was when we bought him, but he was just so cute we couldn't pass him up, and i'm glad we didn't! He likes to try and swing Sadie around by her toys, but they play really well together and love each other very much! If anyone is looking to buy a dog or puppy I strongly reccomend a Shiba - they are so sweet and loving!!

Well, that's all for now, i just felt bad that i didn't have that many pictures to share, and our page was looking kind of empty. If i don't see anyone before or post another blog, i hope everyone has a WONDERFUL thanksgiving!!!!

1 comment:

Tiffany D Joyner said...

Your puppies are so flippin' cute! I love the little sweater too. I do have to agree that Brody is a way beautiful dog.